od Beniamin82 » 11 srp 2015, 17:47
I jeszcze po angielsku
RULES of Motorcycle Rally
To the Czech Republic to buy beer and stuff Dobra 2015
The official site of the motorcycle rally is Gminny Ośrodek Wypoczynkowy in Dobra near
The Regulation is available prior entering the site
Only adults may be the participants of the rally, however, underaged people may be possible
provided only with legal guardian's presence
The role of the organiser is limited excusively to mediation between participants and Ośrodek
Wypoczynkowy concerning fees and reservation.
Every participant of the rally is obliged to obey the regulations of Ośrodek Wypoczynkowy.
2. Riding on the rally site is forbidden excluding ride to camp field or a bungalow.
3. The organisers are not responsible for participants' behaviour on and outside the rally's site.
That means that every participant is responsible legally and socially for one owns behaviour.
Participants must not lead to situations that would be dangerous to other participants of the rally.
4. Organisers are not responsible for any damages and losses toward\ rally's participants and their
equipment as well as those caused directly and indirectly toward third party.
5. The participants of the rally oblige to obey the regulations which they read and the rules
commonly in force which they confirm by their own hand signature onto participants' list.